Subject: Re: Xdaniver server
To: Rob Healey <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/19/1995 18:27:01
> Well, on a stock 3000T xv, as snarfed from uni-regensburg, locks
> the server up solid. This is on a current -current. I also
> can't use xinit on either of 3 3000's running a current -current
> as the resulting server, both X11R5 and X11R6 servers, can't
> access the mouse or keyboard. Has anybody else seen this?
> Do the Xmono and Xdaniver servers need a special kernel setup
> when run under current?
Sorry, can't configurm any of those for NetBSD 1.0 on my A2k.
> Also, is the source available for the Xdaniver server? I like to
> be able to rebuild things from scratch...
Yes, releaseing source wouldn't be a bad thing. :)
=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2455
Weekends: Bachstr. 40, D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
Internet:, IRC: hubertf