Subject: My results...
To: Amiga X Mailing List <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marco Musso <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/07/1995 10:08:25
Hi everybody !

This time the patch worked... I mean... I've applied the patches...

[0]8.Work:NetBSD> cp netbsd.1 netbsd.pat
[0]8.Work:NetBSD> binpatch -s _rh_default_gfx=1 netbsd.pat 
_rh_default_gfx(0xb4e84): 4 (0x4)
[0]8.Work:NetBSD> binpatch -s _rh_default_gfx=1 netbsd.pat 
_rh_default_gfx(0xb4e84): 1 (0x1)
[0]8.Work:NetBSD> binpatch -s _rh_default_mon=1 netbsd.pat 
_rh_default_mon(0xb4e80): 0 (0x0)
[0]8.Work:NetBSD> binpatch -s _rh_default_mon=1 netbsd.pat 
_rh_default_mon(0xb4e80): 1 (0x1)


- with _rh_default_gfx=1 the screen won't open in graphic mode but it 
remains in text mode (flahing and displaying strange chars)

- with _rh_default_gfx=2 my monitor can't sync the frequence
(the .._mon changes the console mode and seems to work)


Marco Musso

* Marco Musso ~ Undergraduate student at the Department of Computer *
* ----------- ~ Science of Turin, ITALY. Amiga user since 1986.  __ *
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