Subject: Re: Cirrus-3 problems
To: Aleksi Suhonen a.k.a Metalite <>
From: Stephen Champion <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/05/1995 20:41:07
> }- some sort. In case anyone wonders, if I start Xcl, the screen changes
> }- to the familiar pattern background, but I never get the 'X' pointer and
> }- the server appears to be frozen. Unfortunately, the only thing I can do
> }- at that point is the old Ctrl-A-A. (fsck really loves that!)
> Aren't you the least bit glad that that still works? /; - )
I like to use 'shutdown -h' instead of '-r', just for the
opportunity :^)
I'm wondering if there is no way to change the input focus of the
keyboard. I'm on a college campus, and can use another machine to rebot
or kill things when x freezes, but I wonder about when I'm at home, and
don't have the ethernet.
If there was a way to redirect input focus, you would be able to
send a ^C to the processes. Another good thing would be to provide a way
of switching between grf and ite modes - maybe even back to ite0.
// Stephen Champion Amiga 3000/25 NetBSD 1.0
// Binary Arithmetic Student
// Hampshire College - Amherst, MA
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