Subject: X on a Retina-Z3
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: H}kan Th|rngren <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 02/01/1995 09:56:41
After much consideration I decided to go for a Retina-Z3 board and
a 17" monitor (Mag MX17S) for my A3000/NetBSD setup.
I installed the X11R6 January 4 distribution and Xamiga24 from the
experimental directory. I decided that /usr/local/X11R6 was not a good place
for X so I moved it down to /usr/X11R6. This turned out to be a bad decision
since there appears to be many references to /usr/local/X11R6.
I had to delete it and reinstall it at /usr/local again...
Shouldn't it refer to /usr/lib/X11 and stuff rather than /usr/local/X11/lib?
Now to my real problem. When I started X, I was faced with a 640x400 display
scrolling over a larger display. This was not what I wanted, and I was
lucky to find my way out of and back to the console again... :)
In Amiga mode, I can use 'DefineMonitor' to create and tune a monitor
defintion for the Retina. I had to mess around a lot with the settings
in DefineMonitor and my Monitor to get a decent 1280x1024 display, is
this normal?
Dare I say that I failed to make it appear as the workbench on startup... :(
Well, this is ok for now as I want to use NetBSD.
This textual description of the monitor, can I get it into Xamiga24 somehow?
In that case, what source archives are needed?
Use MS-Windows every morning and nothing worse will happen to you all day.