Subject: Re: Problems with Picasso driver
To: None <, amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga-x
Date: 12/20/1994 15:22:19
On Dec 17, 9:32pm, Blaz Zupan wrote:
> I have tried different modes and mode 4 is the only one that
> gives me at least something (in other modes all I get is a black
> screen or some other distorted picture that is completely unusable).
> I also tried patching the defaultmon variable of the Picasso
> driver but I get the same results as if I start X with an
> explicit -mode switch.
Your problem is our ignorance about this old monitor. We hadnt thought
about to implement a correct 31kHz mode.
> So - can anyone PLEASE help me with this? Have I done anything
> obviously wrong?
Nothing wrong except your old Monitor. Use the source if you want to
change yourself, or wait until I have some time to make that problem
less difficult.
Markus Illenseer