Subject: Retina & X11
To: amiga x11 <>
From: Alessandro Soldo <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 12/15/1994 10:19:58
I'm always reading that a lot of people are running X-Windows in
Highresolutions, but I can't find a way to change the Resolution.
I tried the Options, even a RetinaMonitor File. But nothing helps.
X Always opens with 640x480 Pixels and ~ 70 Hz. I'm Using an
A 4000-040, Retina Z3 and X11R6. I tried Xamiga (works fine for the
amiga graphics, Xamiga24, XamigaR6 (seem to be the same) and
XamigaRetina-beta (opens only on amiga graphics, if I set options
I get the feeling that they are completely ignored.)
Hoping for some help .....
Alessandro Soldo