Subject: PicassoII
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sam Noonan <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 10/23/1994 11:00:44
Yes, It's great to have NetBSD working with the Picasso II card.

But,  I have also seen this problem with white screen.
Here are some more details.

First. My Setup is.

	A3000 2M chip  4M fast
	DKB 3128 with 8M ram
	Picasso II 2M ram

	NetBSD is using the 8M ram on the 3128
	Currently I'm using X11R5.   Still working on
	   getting X11R6 working.

Using Xamiga24 in mode 8

This problem usually happens the first time I come up.  Normally
I get a White Screen with some garbage on it, which then clears
with the normal X background.  In this case it's Pure white, no
garbage.  Also X does come up.  I just can't see it.  I can 
log in and shutdown the system.  It's just invisable.  After
shutting down and turning the computer off for a half of minute
or so, it works fine.

My Guess, some uninitilized variable?

Anyway, that's all I know for now.

 Sam Noonan --    finger for PGP Public key.