Subject: xbsdcc[24]: resolution fixed ?
To: None <>
From: Markus Landgraf <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 04/05/1994 14:14:51
this weekend I tried to get the xbsdcc color Xserver running on my
A2024. It worked well but only in PAL resolution (640x566). There was
no way to tell the server to use 1024x1024x2, like the old Xamiga
server. To get the old Xamiga server running with 1024x1024x2, I had
to modify the view default sizes is src/sys/arch/amiga/dev/view.c and
to recompile the kernel. So the default resolution for opening a
/dev/view is set correctly, this leads to the assumption that the new
X servers xbsdcc force the resolution to be the hardcoded value

Is there a way to change the resolution for these servers ?

"The only time when I'm easy is when I'm killed by death"
"If You got the power, that don't mean You got the right"
                                                          I. Kilmister
