Subject: Re: New X servers for ECS systems
To: Chris Hopps <>
From: Philippe BRAND <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/21/1994 18:06:19
Chris Hopps writes:
> actually getting. I heard that retina 3 (or whatever) will be
> linearly addressed , thats really cool it will be very easy to add it
> to /dev/view then. I may need to have dev/view be able to handle
> either chunky or planar pixels (inform software of the type basically)
> but beyond that it will be easy.
I've called MacroSystemes and I've here specs. It is Linear adressing.
Most beautiful story of the day is that you don't have to upgrade your
buster, it'll work with ZorroIII directly even on an old A3000 like mine.
Philippe BRAND RAMSES BBS Co-Sysop 2:320/104.21