Subject: XRetina Difficulties. Please help.
To: None <>
From: Sean Craig Kormilo <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/09/1994 18:01:00

I have been attempting to get XWindows to work with my Retina
board.  To date, I have been unsuccessful.

I have managed to get the monochrome, ECS version to work, however,
so I do not believe my problem is a general setup one.  I believe
that the difficulty lies with the graphics driver. ie: I don't have
one!  The ECS chips as far as I can tell use /dev/grf0.
I know the Retina server tries to access /dev/grf1, which I dont have.
Does anyone know where I can  get it?  Or is there some other problem
I am not aware of.  I have read through the various FAQs and they
don't help with this.

Thanks very much in advance.


|          Sean C. Kormilo                 |        // Only Amiga         |
| E-Mail: Sean_Kormilo@UManitoba.CA        |     \\//  Makes it Possible! |
|     Honours Computer Science - University of Manitoba, Canada           |
|       "When one is looking to become, one can never be."                |
|               -- PGP Public Key available on request --                 |
