Subject: Re: A2024 (Additions for FAQ & X-FAQ wanted, please)
To: Matthias Kirschnick <>
From: None <chammer@HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga-x
Date: 03/09/1994 17:08:14
> (Use "iteconfig" or binpatch to set _ite_default_width and
> ite_default_height to get the desired resolutionn.)
binpatch, iteconfig does not work for me, it leads to a crash immeaditly.
1024x800 and 640x800 does work for me.
i often thougt the xserver hangs when it was the 2024 that does not
get the screenrefreshes. The poti on the left caused the error.
another problem i have is that the black and white color is invers.
xv shows the pictures with inverted colortables.
Carsten Hammer Schwindstr. 7 33615 Bielefeld
Fakultaet fuer Physik D4-139