Subject: Re: board at ztwobus0: rom 0xe90000 man/pro 2017/9 not configured
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Frank Dana <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 10/23/1995 13:53:42
With Shakespearian flourish, Hubert Feyrer writes:
> someone on IRC just mentioned that he gets the following message when booting
> NetBSD V1.0:
> board at ztwobus0: rom 0xe90000 man/pro 2017/9 not configured
> He says this is the GVP-SCSI-card *without* RAM-option... so, could some kind
> soul (Chris? :) please add the appropriate test to gvpbus.c?


Unless, as I suspect, the card is the original Series I GVP SCSI card.
(That's the one I was using before I bought my used 4008.) I was under
the impression that Series I cards aren't supported--and I doubt it
would be as easy as a simple config check to make them support.

This is just my two cents -- I could be wrong on two counts:
	(1) It might be a Series II card (altho I don't know of any
	    without RAM banks somewhere...)
	(2) Series I cards might work with the current code, if they
	    are recognized


 ____ PRI | Frank R. Dana Jr.|Tau Epsilon Phi| | _ _
 \ _/__ D |----------------------------------------------------------| U U
  \X  / E |  I come from Queens, my birthday is National Coming Out  |  < 
    \/    |    Day... alright, already! I get the hint!! Jeez...     | \_/