Subject: Re: "Sacredness" of files in fpsp
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: Daniel Widenfalk <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/03/1995 11:32:59
Hi Markus,
> Daniel Widenfalk wrote:
>> I'm working on inplementing the 060sp into NetBSD and I'm wondering:
>> Are the *.sa files in sys/arch/m68k/fpsp untouchable and unchangable
>> (for any reason)?
>  Off-Topic, but this mail reminds me to ask you why you are so sure to
> obtain your 060 board RSN.  All I heard from Motorola of was 3Q95 - way off
> any time schedule from Phase-5 (AS&S).
I'm going to post it to port-m68k and see what they say.
About the 060 board: I want the 060 support to be implemented BEFORE I get
my card, even if it is in 3Q. I don't think a new 060 board would even get
NetBSD running.I also want it to work with the existing 040fpsp and this
gives me (lots and lots of) time to test it.

/Daniel Widenfalk