Subject: NetBSD 1.0 beta in DBLPAL available
To: None <>
From: Paternostro Ugo <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 08/16/1994 15:06:16
Hello everybody!

Last week I got the sources of kernel 1.0 beta, and I compiled them. It
worked at the first try, phew... :-)

In this week I did a little modify to the kernel: I implemented (well, the
most of it was just cut and paste...) DBLPAL, and now I'm running NetBSD
in 720x550 pixels, gaining 120 pixels vs DBLNTSC. I would be glad to
submiss the patches for the use of the community of NetBSD-ers. Here is the
problem: how do I submit a change, like this ?

Thanks for your attention.

P.S.: please don't send mail to my home e-mail address during summer. Tnx.

Bye, UP

| Ugo Paternostro               |                                             |
+-------------------------------+ Work: Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica |
| Home : P.zza Cannicci, 2      |       Via di Santa Marta, 3                 |
|        50018  SCANDICCI  (FI) |       50139  FIRENZE  (FI)                  |
|                 Italy         |               Italy                         |
| Voice: +39-55-252115          | Voice: +39-55-4796365                       |
| Fax  : +39-55-254042          |                                             |
| EMail:  | EMail:         |
|      2:332/  +---------------------------------------------+
|    39:102/503.3@amiganet.ftn  | All opinions are mine, mine, only mine! :-) |
