Subject: None
To: R R Bungener +31 35 87 1526 <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/29/1994 14:48:16
On Apr 30,  2:05am, R R Bungener +31 35 87 1526 wrote:
> It dieds with :
> >>> NetBSD 0.9a (GENERIC) #0 : Sat Mar 26 ......
> >>> sjr@.........
> >>> Amiga 2000 68030 (CPU+MMU) 25 Mc 68882 FPU
> >>> real mem= 6291456
> >>> avail mem= 3555328
> >>> using 51 buffers containing 417792 bytes of memory
> >>> 0 Amiga memory segments
  NetBSD isn't seeing any of the Exec memory lists.  I would guess that you
are running with the wrong version of loadbsd.  You need at least version
2.0 for the current kernels, and you should be running 1.744,

> >>> Realtime clock A2000
> >>> rtclock [1/9]
> >>> par0 [1/6]
> >>> grf0: 640 x 400 4 color custom ......
> >>> grf0 [1/7]
> >>> ser0 [1/3]
> >>> no suitable root

  It can't find the root because it doesn't see any AutoConfigured devices -
all the devices it sees are the built-in devices.  This will also indicates
that you are using the wrong version of loadbsd.

  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - anyone running a version of loadbsd earlier than
the 1.744 version, I would suggest that you get the latest version.  [I
think this would be loadbsd-940320.gz on


Michael L. Hitch			INTERNET:
Computer Consultant			BITNET:  OSYMH@MTSUNIX1.BITNET
Office of Systems and Computing Services
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA
