Subject: Problem with SunLamp binaries
To: None <>
From: R. R. Bungener <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/29/1994 15:23:00

Last night, why is it always night, I installed the binaries and kernel from and the following happend : 

1. I used my old kernel (730 on a 720 rootfs) and, ofcourse I gat those bad 
systems calls. 

2. Then I swapped my vmunix with the new version from iastate and I got the 
following report : 

>>> NetBSD 0.9a (GENERIC) #0 SAT MAR 26 .... 
>>> sjr@ ....... 
>>> Amiga 2000, 68030 (CPU+MMU), 25Mc 68882 FPU
>>> realmem=6291456 
>>> avail mem= 3555328 
>>> using 51 buffers containing 417792 bytes of memory 
>>> 0 Amiga memory segments 
>>> Realtime clock A2000 
>>> rtclock0 [1/9] 
>>> par0 [1/6] 
>>> grf0: 640x400 ..... 
>>> grf0 [1/7] 
>>> ser0 [1/3] 
>>> no suitable root 

I am using a A2000 rev. 6.1 with 6M ram and GVP GForce 030/40 with a real 
68030 and :
  50M HD divided sd0 with the root and swap partition of 16M
  105M HD divided sd2 with 3 equal partitions
Is there anyone there knowing what to next ? 


Robert R. Bungener 
Email   : 
