Subject: problems with: kernels Floppys scsi binaries ...
To: None <>
From: Arthur Hoffmann <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/10/1994 17:44:30
I usually compile my own kernels and some binaries. So far 
I had no problems with that, but recently I seem to have a slight
	ps doesn't work with my newer kernels anymore it reports the
 ps: proc size mismatch (got 13846 total, kinfo_proc: 560)

compiling a new ps results in nothing... no error, no output??

Also ls -l doesn't seem to work either when compiled under a new
here is what it produced till todays kernel

?-------w-  0 15174  512       8589934592 Jan  3  1970 CVS
?--------x  0 13234  161       8589934592 Jan  3  1970 Makefile*
?--------x  0 14752  3230     34359738368 Jan  3  1970 cmp.c*
?--------x  0 13311  785       8589934592 Jan  3  1970 cmp.o*
?--------x  0 12533  2611     25769803776 Jan  3  1970 extern.h*
?--------x  0 12536  63431  1168231104512 Jan  3  1970 ls*
?--------x  0 49576  8749     77309411328 Jan  3  1970 ls.0*
?--------x  0 14720  9388     85899345920 Jan  3  1970 ls.1*
?--------x  0 13352  14030   120259084288 Jan  3  1970 ls.c*
?--------x  0 13280  2808     25769803776 Jan  3  1970 ls.h*
?--------x  0 12664  5723     51539607552 Jan  3  1970 ls.o*
?--------x  0 12928  7566     68719476736 Jan  3  1970 print.c*
?--------x  0 12656  4768     42949672960 Jan  3  1970 print.o*
?--------x  0 13272  2565     25769803776 Jan  3  1970 util.c*
?--------x  0 13408  469       8589934592 Jan  3  1970 util.o*

here is what it produced with todays kernel(10.Apr.1994) (ls recompiled)

root@atze(48)$ ls -l
total 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

then I do gdb -c ls.core and get:

root@atze(50)$ gdb -c ls.core

"/home/bin/ls/ls.core" is not a core dump: File truncated

Any clues? 

Also there is a problem with the floppy:

when I do a newfs /dev/rfd0 I get the following:

root@atze(2)$ newfs /dev/rfd0
/dev/rfd0:      1760 sectors in 80 cylinders of 2 tracks, 11 sectors
        0.9MB in 5 cyl groups (16 c/g, 0.18MB/g, 64 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 400, 736, 1104, 1440,
newfs: ioctl (WDINFO): Invalid argument
newfs: /dev/rfd0: can't rewrite disk label

The disk can still be mounted and I can write to it and read from it.
(I haven't verified if the info I write to it is valid, I'll do that

after unmounting and remounting the disk I got a mmufault and the
system died on me :(

The system can distinguish on startup between HD and DD floppies, but
when doing a newfs it treats them all as DD.

Can anyone help? At least with the ps problem please.



Arthur Hoffmann					58/1 Dickward Drive
						Fannie Bay N.T. 0820			Darwin - Australia.
