Subject: Re: Binary releases and 64 bit off_ty
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/06/1994 15:10:25
William J. Coldwell wrote:
> resolved.  Does this sound unreasonable?  I want to see the proliferation of  
> NetBSD-Amiga, and I don't see this happening until we can at least give the  
> illusion that we're not at each other's throats over "religious" issues.   

Maybe I'm wrong, but my opinion is that NetBSD-Amiga is kept alive (and
has come to life) mainly by those people that were interested in porting
Mach and eventually The Hurd.
Just as any work on AmigaMach has stopped in favour of NetBSD, I think (not
fear |{) that everybody that is working will be satisfied with a NetBSD
that is stable enough to port (or develop for) Mach & The Hurd.
Religious issues or not, as work on The Hurd is progressing more and more
rapidly NetBSD-Amiga may become nothing more than a tool faster than
anyone can imagine at this moment.

