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Re: Migrating ports from XFree86 to Xorg (Was: Changing default X11_TYPE from native to modular for some platforms)

>> Given the quantity of amiga grf drivers it may well make more sense to
>> port the X drivers across from XFree86 to xorg, at least for the near
>> to medium term.
> Right, I might look into it, however my knowledge of X internals is near 
> zero. I'll gladly take any help.

Nothing to help, but certainly you will able to learn some basic
skills at the

>> I suspect that once you have the PCI subsystem
>> complete and running graphics cards (excellent project btw :), those
>> cards would be supported under wscons and that may pull amiga towards
>> more wsdisplay usage...
> I have genfb already attaching and displaying on some cards, but it is not 
> usable yet, because amiga-specific console code needs rework to support 
> wsdisplay-on-PCI. Besides, genfb >currently works only after AmigaOS boot 
> (someone needs to initialize the card and amiga has no PCI graphics firmware, 
> except for CVPPC/BVPPC cards).

Patches are certainly welcome. I donot own a Amiga, Also I donot have
to do with the NetBSD Project, But wild guessing from google would not

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