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Re: curses vs non-ASCII

>> I'm writing a program with a curses(3) interface, and I'm finding
>> that non-ASCII octets in strings are getting completely lost [...]

> Have you called setlocale(3) appropiately?

No.  I was not calling setlocale() at all.  None of the documentation I
found gave me reason to think it would make any difference.

> E.g. setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") to pick up the setting from the
> environment.

That helps somewhat.  It doesn't itself fix things, but combined with
setting LC_CTYPE, LANG, or LC_ALL to en_CA.ISO8859-1 in the
environment, octets that are 8859-1 printables get through - or, more
precisely, a few 8859-1 printables do; I assume the rest would too.  (I
haven't tested whether it gives me the rest of what I want, which is
the 0x80-0x9f octets also being treated as single-octet printables.)


Are these two things - (a) that setlocale() has to be called for the
environment to be recognized and (b) that "" is magic to make it pick
up the environment - documented anywhere?  The closest I see is a line
in locale(3) that says that "" `denotes the native environment', but
without any description of what that means; I'm wondering if I've just
missed something.

Is there any documentation on what strings can be put in $LANG et al?
I guessed en_CA.ISO8859-1 based on the da_DK.ISO8859-1 example in
nls(7), but doing that seems...suboptimal.

Is there any documentation for someone wanting to create a locale?  It
seems likely to me that there aren't any existing locales that consider
all of 0x20-0xff as printable, in which case the least-pain option may
be to create a locale of my own.  (The latest attempt at building a
system without these headaches produced _compile_ errors in vi.  I
can't help wondering why the knobs even exist if attempts to use them
explode this badly.)

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