Subject: L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET has changed IP address to (fwd)
To: None <>
From: Brian A. Seklecki <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 11/02/2007 21:30:03
For BIND/named(8).

Probably needs to be brought into all supported branches.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:37:24 +1100
From: Mark Andrews <>
Subject: L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET has changed IP address to

 	If you already have a root hints zone defined in named.conf
 	you need to update the address in the file it loads from.

 	The easiest way to create a new file is to run dig, check
 	the contents of the file it generates then move the file
 	into place.

 		dig ns . > newfile

 	If you don't have any root zone defined they you will be
 	using the built-in hints.  In this case you should create
 	a root hints zone if you don't have a root zone already
 	defined and you are using class IN (the default class).

 		dig ns . > root-hints

 		zone "." {
 			type hint;
 			file "root-hints";

 	If you are not using views you do this at the options level.
 	If you are using views you need to define this zone in
 	each view of class IN.

 	BIND 9.3.5, BIND 9.4.2 (9.4.2rc2) and BIND 9.5.0 (9.5.0a7) will
 	have their built-in root hints updated to reflect this change.

 	If you wish to change the built in hints apply the attached
 	patch.  In the top level directory run.

 		patch -p1 < l-root-servers.patch
 		make clean

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE:	+61 2 9871 4742		         INTERNET: