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Re: On upgrading elftoolchain in src/

    Date:        Sat, 27 Mar 2021 05:09:15 +0000
    From:        David Holland <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | That doesn't mean it can't _live_ in sys/; installing a symlink like
  | the one for stdbool.h is a reasonable proposition.

I'd suggest a separate <elfdefinitions.h> which #includes <sys/elfdefinitions.h>
to access the definitions shared with the kernel - that way it can also
(now, or perhaps in the future) get userland only definitions (lib* prototypes
etc) without needing ugly #ifndef _KERNEL stuff added.   (sys/elfdefinitions.h
will still need #ifdef _KERNEL for whatever parts of it are kernel only,
unless the kernel also includes a different file for the kernel specific
parts, kernel func prototypes and definitions, which then also #includes
the common file - both of which would live in sys/).

  | (sometime when we finally move away from CVS the kernel/libc include
  | sharing will get rationalized...)

Unless you mean that that will provide the incentive for rationalisation,
just because lots will be changing anyway, I don't see the relationship
to the VCS used.   It is in the checked out files (from wherever they
come) that the relationships and kernel isolation) need to be maintained.

Since this is (more or less) new, it should be done properly now, one
less thing to deal with later.


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