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Patch name changes


I would like to suggest that we change the names used for patches in
Currently, their names are patch-[a-z][a-z] where the names are more
or less chosen randomly; when upgrading, usually care is taken to use
the same patch name to modify the same file as before (mkpatches(1)
from pkgtools/pkgdiff does that automatically).

I suggest we starting from now on, we use the name
patch-path_relative_to_wrksrc_filename instead, i.e. run the path of
the name of the file to patch through 
        sed -e "s,_,__,g"  -e "s,/,_,g"
and prefix "patch-".

Since sometimes interesting comments/reasons for the patches hide in
the CVS history, I'd prefer not to rename the existing patches and
just use the syntax for new patches.

Dillo and/or I will improve mkpatches to handle this automatically.

This makes it easier to see from the file system, what files are
patched; it also helps packagers of other porting systems to more
easily identify e.g. from cvsweb at which files to look.


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