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Re: php-pdo and version downgrades

In article <> Quentin wrote:
: [-- text/plain, encoding quoted-printable, charset: us-ascii, 29 lines --]

: On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 04:02:05PM +0000, Stephen Borrill wrote:
: > The php_pdo* packages have not kept step with PHP changes. The PDO  
: > components are now built into PHP rather than maintained separately in  
: > PECL. However, pkgsrc is still using the old PECL source which is  
: > unmaintained and hasn't been altered for 3 years. This is confusing as 
: > the package versions report themselves to be, etc. but they 
: > are in fact based on the 5.1.x code-base.
: >
: > I've fixed all the php_pdo* packages, but as part of doing this the PECL  
: > version number will get stripped off the end meaning that the new version 
: > numbers are just 5.2.9 instead of (for example).  
: > Unfortunately, 5.2.9{,nb1} is considered to be older than  
: > meaning that it will appear as though a downgrade has taken place.
: >
: > How should I address this?

: You could set the version to and clear things up completely
: when 5.2.10 gets around.

  Yes, that sounds reasonable.  Please add a comment in the Makefile
why the .99 is there, and that it can be removed on the update to
5.2.10 (or higher).


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