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Re: wip/pkg_summary-utils - powerful tools for pkgsrc

> As some of you may already know I'm developing wip/pkg_summary-utils,
> a collection of tools for manipulating summary files about pkgsrc
> packages.

Ok, I still hope for somebody's feedback :)

I wrote another tiny but powerful tool which is also a part of
wip/pkg_summary-utils package. Its latest version 0.6.1
contains share/doc/pkg_summary-utils/README.


pkg_grep_summary - output summaries about packages that matches
the specified condition.
In other words, pkg_grep_summary is a search tool,
just like PKGSRCDIR/pkglocate, pkg_find etc. but it is multifield
searcher and is fast because it uses summaries.

usage: pkg_grep_summary [OPTIONS] <FIELD> <AWK_CONDITION>
  <AWK_CONDITION> - boolean expression written in AWK language

  -h|--help        display this message

  pkg_grep_summary 'PKGNAME' '$2 ~ /judy/' \
        < /usr/pkgsrc/packages/pkg_summary.txt
  pkg_grep_summary 'PKGPATH' '$2 ~ /^lang\//' \
        < /usr/pkgsrc/packages/pkg_summary.txt
  pkg_grep_summary 'DEPENDS' '$2 ~ /libX/' \
        < /usr/pkgsrc/pkg_src_summary.txt
  pkg_grep_summary 'COMMENT' 'toupper($2) ~ /DNS/' \
        < /usr/pkgsrc/pkg_src_summary.txt

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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