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new Mesa 7.0.3-rc2 packages in pkgsrc-wip


I've committed new mesa packages to pkgsrc-wip (Mesa, MesaLib, glu,
and glut).  Unless I forgot to commit something (possible), everything
up to glu (at least with dri support) should build on NetBSD (at least
4.0+, I'm using i386 on current).

I'd like to get these into pkgsrc ASAP (at least by the time the 7.0.3
release rolls around), but am currently pressed for time.  Please see
the initial commit message for these packages for a status/TODO blurb.
 Mostly, they just need testing and polishing.  The build itself is
fully libtoolized, including dri drivers, and now contains pkg-config
files.  Those are currently generated by the mesa build system, but we
may wish to disable that and provide files for pkgsrc to
override.  Alternatively, we could set make environment variables and
add them to the makefiles.  I encourage anyone who wishes to work on
these to please do so.  If you run into any stumbling blocks, please
don't hesitate to email me.



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