Subject: Re: Overriding pkgsrc-supported version of a package with a newer
To: Eric Boutilier <Eric.Boutilier@Sun.COM>
From: Gavan Fantom <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/07/2005 00:25:48
On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Eric Boutilier wrote:

> So I downloaded a snapshot source tarball from and
> built it successfully by modifying Makefile.common (to recognize
> the distfile) and emptying the patches directory. But I just
> discovered I'm not home-free yet because anything that requires
> PHP needs to be configured to know about my override.

What do you mean by "needs to be configured to know about my override"? 
Does your updated php package install into a different location?

> Am I going about this the wrong way? (I already realize that
> bypassing the patches could get me in trouble...)

The patches look like they'd probably still apply against a minor update. 
Was deleting them necessary?

Gillette - the best a man can forget