Subject: Re: Drop Shadow Effect for GTK2
To: Joel CARNAT <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/02/2004 16:44:13
On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Joel CARNAT wrote:
> Find attached a patch that enables drop shadow on GTK2 menu.

I think it's better to send this patch directly to the gtk+ maintainers.

NetBSD's pkgsrc is a facility to help installing 3rd party software
easily, not a tool to support merging of random changes which differ from
the original software provided by 3rd parties. Each patch that we keep in
pkgsrc costs maintenance effort and manpower which we don't have (look at
the PR backlog!).

 - Hubert

If wishes were wings,  o"   )~  would fly.            -- Go!