Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/apr
To: None <>
From: Eric Gillespie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/16/2004 11:58:39
John Klos <> writes:

> What about m68k, VAX, and other slow architectures?

What about them?  If people want to make the default to be no db4
on those, they can do that.  I think it's silly, though; i only
agree with doing it on NetBSD/powerpc because db4 is simply
broken there.

> Would you have any objection to db4 being a dependency if it's
> already installed, and having subversion install db4 before
> starting on apr?

We have already discussed this on tech-pkg.  If the user already
has apr installed when he goes to build subversion-base and using
db4 is not the default, the build will fail.

Eric Gillespie <*>