Subject: Re: what's up with the checksum for squid-2.5.STABLE1-disable-http-violations.patch?
To: Greg A. Woods <>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/03/2002 18:01:37
On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 12:59:14PM -0500, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> Steve Bellovin asked about this issue the other day.  Distinfo got
> updated yesterday.  The checksum is still wrong.  What's going on here?

I took a look at the patch that's available, and since it looked ok,
I updated the checksum.

Thomas Klausner -
What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find
out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell