Subject: Re: Darwin support added to pkgsrc
To:, Alistair Crooks <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/30/2001 15:25:56
	www note: very nice entry for changes here...

	Al note: Which reminds me - when do you next want to meet up in
	London so you can be bought a drink? :) Would you consider this
	the right time to post this onto slashdot?

On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 Alistair Crooks wrote:

> I've just added initial support for Darwin (1.4) to pkgsrc, with
> many thanks to Bill Coldwell for giving me the opportunity to do
> so.
> Whilst it's very early days, as yet, I have actually been able to
> install packages on Darwin. I haven't yet tried any of the "biggies"
> like gnome or kde, but I thought I'd commit the changes so that
> others can perhaps help me out with those.
> To use this on Darwin, you'll need a pkgsrc with the Darwin changes
> in, and you'll also need the bootstrap kit:
> Extract this tarball, and you'll get everything under a bootstrap-pkgsrc
> directory.  cd into that directory, and execute "./bootstrap" as
> root (it installs things under the ${LOCALBASE} hierarchy).
> bootstrap has certain defaults, which can be changed using command
> line switches:
> pkgdir (defaults to /usr/pkg) can be set using --pkgdir=/some/dir
> pkgdbdir (defaults to /var/db/pkg) can be set using --pkgdbdir=/some/dir
> pkgsrcdir (defaults to /pkgsrc) can be set using --pkgsrcdir=/some/dir
> It will bootstrap bmake (NetBSD's make, the bsdmake in /usr/bin
> doesn't understand :C modifiers in ${VAR:C/old/new/}), install
> NetBSD *.mk files in ${pkgdir}/share/mk, lukemftp-1.5, and the
> digest and pkg_install packages.
> Regards,
> Alistair Crooks
> (