Subject: Re: i18n package for kde2?
To: Ingolf Steinbach <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/19/2001 10:35:56
On Sun, 18 Mar 2001, Ingolf Steinbach wrote:

> Hi,
> what would be a good scheme to create internationalization
> packages for KDE2? Three possibilities come to my mind:
> 1) One pkg which installs *all* i18n packages. This is IMO
>    not suitable as one usually will want to use one or
>    maybe two additional languages.
> 2) One pkg for each language. This would lead to many new
>    directories in pkgsrc. Not suitable.
> 3) Some mechanism to use only one pkgsrc directory for the
>    i18n stuff which can generate different packages by using
>    an environment or mk.conf variable, e.g.
>    Directory: pkgsrc/misc/kdei18n
>    Can generate kdei18n-de-2.0, kdei18n-fr-2.0 etc.
> At the moment, I'd like 3), but I on't know if this is
> possible by using pkgsrc/mk/* at the moment (without too
> much tricks). Maybe there are much better solutions?

	Has anybody looked at the OpenBSD 'flavours' feature - it sounds
	like a perfect match for this.

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --