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Re: GSoC final writeup draft

Oh, I should've noticed already.  Phil merged athn(4) a while ago.
It's pretty fiddly having a giant git and mercurial repository in the
same tree :-)

On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 9:21 PM Jeandre Kruger <> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I have a draft of my work submission (final writeup) here:
> -- is it alright?
> (Details can be changed before I submit it.)
> I'm working on the thing I mentioned in my last email (trying to split
> athn_common from athn_softc), though I'm no longer sure it's a good
> idea -- it needs far more changes and is probably overcomplicated, if
> it's slightly more elegant in some always (but also making USB more
> different from PCI and CardBus).  Or there could be another solution
> that I haven't thought of.
> I'll have the USB hardware by Tuesday night, so I'll try it by
> Wednesday (after submission opens).
> Finally, am I right in thinking getting an extension (from the
> standard 12 week project length) is unnecessary?  Am I on the right
> track with everything?
> Thanks,
> Jeandre

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