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Does ichsmb(4) interferes with ichlpcib(4) ?


First of all, I have no knowledge about kernel and driver stuff.
I'm just an user observing OS behaviour :)

I have run NetBSD (4.99.72) and OpenBSD (4.4) on my Lenovo IdeaPad S10.
It looks like the fan is used more often on the NetBSD instance.
So I had a looked at both dmesg and noticed the following ich* differences:
### OpenBSD ###
ichpcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801GBM LPC" rev 0x02: PM disabled
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801GB SMBus" rev 0x02: irq 10
iic0 at ichiic0
iic0: addr 0x4a 00=28 01=00 02=4b 03=50 04=50 05=50 06=50 07=50 08=50
09=50 0a=5
0 0b=50 0c=50 0d=50 0e=50 0f=50 22=4b 40=28 41=00 42=4b 43=50 44=50 45=50
47=50 48=28 49=50 4a=28 4b=50 4c=50 4d=50 4e=28 4f=50 ee=50 words 00=4e80
0 02=4b00 03=5000 04=5000 05=5000 06=5000 07=5000
### NetBSD ####
ichsmb0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3: vendor 0x8086 product 0x27da (rev. 0x02)
ichsmb0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 19
iic0 at ichsmb0: I2C bus

According to the NetBSD manpage:
ichsmb -- Intel ICH SMBus controller
ichlpcib -- Intel ICH LPC Interface Bridge

According to the OpenBSD manpage:
ichiic - Intel ICH SMBus controller
ichpcib -- Intel ICHx/ICHx-M LPC bridges

So, OpenBSD seems to attach both drivers, NetBSD seem to not attach the
ICH bridge. I checked the kernel configuration file and enabled ichlpcib*
(plus "hpet* at ichlpcib?" and "isa0 at ichlpcib?") but it is still not
there on NetBSD.

- is having ichsmb and not ichlpcib an issue regarding CPU management ?
- could this explain my LAN issue (it works 2min then freezes with
BCM5906M) ?


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