Subject: Re: Roadmap to compressed vnd(4)
To: Tonnerre <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/31/2005 03:04:53
>Well, there's no standard describing vnconfig so far, and if you read

Why do we need a "standard"?  What's wrong with "prior art"?

>However, I'm not sure if those "decade of historical practice" arguments

most of the folk making such arguments have been at this for said

>are really where it's at. We did break some compatibility with NetBSD 2.0,

That's regretable, but you have to give NetBSD marks for trying.
I have binaries that were compiled over 12 years ago on 386bsd that still
work fine on 2.0 - so I don't buy the "backwards compatability isn't important"
argument at all.
