Subject: Re: moving MAKEDEV to /etc
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/05/2003 12:22:14
>>> [...devfs...where to keep metadata...]
>> [K]eep the metadata in a file.
> Also, it should probably make some effort to rewrite it as a db so
> that it can do a keymatch and overwrite an entry instead of having to
> rewrite an entire file.

...with all the race conditions that implies. :-/  (You do _not_ want
to destroy all of /dev just because you lost power halfway thorugh
rewriting the file.)

> 	/dev mounts on devfs
> 	devfs driver updates from /etc/devfs.db

Actually, it occurs to me: the logical way for this to work is

	mount -t devfs /etc/devfs.db /dev

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