Subject: Re: Proposal: porting ALSA to NetBSD.
To: Andrew Nesbit <>
From: Jared D. McNeill <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/27/2002 06:23:08
On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 00:42, Andrew Nesbit wrote:

> Would there be much interest here in having an ALSA port?  I believe
> that having ALSA working on BSD might get the ball rolling in getting
> more audio apps and APIs ported to BSD, and possibly even seeing BSD
> taken seriously as a platform on which to do digital audio work.  I
> think this would be good.

It's not really worth it, if you ask me. Our sound drivers are on par
with (if not better than) the ALSA drivers.

It might serve useful to have a /dev/dsp that supports the ALSA ioctls,
but that wouldn't require a direct port so much as a compatibility

Your efforts would probably be better spent elsewhere -- I can think of
a few limitations of our audio subsystem that need fixing :^)
