Subject: Re: 6ch playing with USB audio
To: TAMURA Kent <>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/18/2002 22:23:56
TAMURA Kent wrote:
> Playing 44.1kHz 6ch 16bit sound with a USB audio device via USB
> 1.1 makes cyclic noise.  The following patch eliminates the
> noise.  Is this change correct and acceptable?

Do you have an idea why it helps? Does the code overload
the bus with bursty big transfers, or are the USB transfers
too big in the 44.1KHz 6ch 16bit sound case? IIRC the code
did only couple byte USB transfers for low-quality sound
(like 8Kbit mono).

Jaromir Dolecek <>
-=- We should be mindful of the potential goal, but as the tantric    -=-
-=- Buddhist masters say, ``You may notice during meditation that you -=-
-=- sometimes levitate or glow.   Do not let this distract you.''     -=-