Subject: Re: intel gige
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/14/2002 19:31:48
[This will be my last note on the subject to tech-kern; there's no
longer any visible tech-kern content left, and while I ignore that for
a message or two, this is getting too drawn-out.]

>>> You mean the "put the slice in your mouth" interface ?
>> Essentially, yes, that plus [...].  It sounds silly, but that's
>> because the bread's interface is (a) far simpler and (b) far better
>> known than the Ethernet card's interface.
> that all depends on what you intend to "do" with the card.  you're
> not writing a driver for it.  you just expect to [buy] it, plug in
> it, wire it up, and go to town.

That's what they seem to want me to do.  But absent a suitably open
driver, the "go to town" part fails.

So unless an open driver is available - which in itself constitutes
some documentation - I _do_ need that documentation because I _am_
writing a driver for it.  Or else it's useless to me and they've just
policied themselves out of a customer, one who'll go buy from someone
who _does_ document the hardware.

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