Subject: Re: test of new powerdown facility
To: Wilko Bulte <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/11/1998 15:43:31
On Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:07:14 +0200 (CEST) 
 Wilko Bulte <> wrote:

 > You should be able to send SCSI WRITE commands with the immediate bit
 > (I think it's called) set. This should force a write all the way to the
 > platter and only then reporting I/O complete back to the host.
 > You need the SCSI specs to get the details on this., actually, the Immed bit usually means "return status immediately,
regardless of whether or not the task has been completed".  For example,
Immed on SYNCHRNOIZE CACHE causes the sync operation to happen
asyncronously :-)

Jason R. Thorpe                             
NASA Ames Research Center                            Home: +1 408 866 1912
NAS: M/S 258-5                                       Work: +1 650 604 0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035                             Pager: +1 650 428 6939