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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

On Nov 24,  4:01am, (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

| > -static u_int	abcksum(void *);
| > +static void	abcksum(void *);
| Changing existing functions requires more tests and
| it's annoying for maintainers, especially for netbsd-7.

Yes, taking this approach to the extreme we should never switch compilers.

| Did you check the definition of the struct ahdi_root?
| ar_checksum is properly defined as u_int16_t and
| no change is required in the mkahdiboot() function.

Yes, carefully and it does the same thing so the code can be shared.

| You should also consider about current MI dkcksum() (and dkcksum_sized())
| implementation in sys/kern/subr_disk.c.  The MI dkcksum() just does
| calculate a sum of the label and magic numbers are handled by callers:
| >> 	label->d_checksum = 0;
| >> 	label->d_checksum = dkcksum(label);
| It looks better to use consistent strategies for both MI/MD sums.

I think that the only solution you'll like is yours, so please do it
your way.


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