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Re: call for testing: xen 4.1 packages

On 3/30/2011, "Christoph Egger" <Christoph_Egger%gmx.de@localhost> wrote:

>On 03/30/11 14:55, Stefano Marinelli wrote:
>>>>> http://www.netbsd.org/~cegger/xentools41.tar.gz
>> Building fails. Followed the instructions of previous message but no luck:
>I just updated my xentools41 package. Please re-download and retry.
>Thanks for reporting this.
Now on xentools41:

I got this error doing 'make build'

make: "/mnt/v01/build/pkgsrc/2010Q4/sysutils/xentools41/Makefile" line
158: Could not find ../../devel/ocaml-findlib/buildlink3.mk
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

As per the error message, there is no devel/ocaml-findlib/buildlink3.mk.
My pkgsrc is from the 2010Q4 release. CVSWEB does not show that file


Thanks for the quick response!


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