Subject: Xen3 physical memory map/location for dom0
To: None <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: port-xen
Date: 11/09/2006 14:55:48
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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My laptop has a bce(4) onboard NIC, which annoyingly is only usable
with DMA to physical addresses <1G.

I had hoped that, when running Xen, limiting dom0 to less than this
quantity would be enough - but it seems that the dom0 builder
allocates the domain's physical pages from the top down.

I haven't found any clues in xen documentation about way to alter this
(like a flag on the xen grub commmand line).  I *can* make bce0 work
by limiting xen to 1g of memory, but that's not really the desired
solution longer term.

Is it something that can be influenced by the ELF headers of the dom0
kernel?  I know there were some changes recently (as part of the 3.0.3
support) to load addresses and other possibly promising parameters..

Any other clues?


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