Subject: Re: Domain 0 kernel, DAC960 and SMP
To: None <>
From: Sarton O'Brien <>
List: port-xen
Date: 07/22/2006 15:33:03
On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 11:20:46PM +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Xen dom0 doensn't need to support SMP to have Xen itself use multiple
> CPUs. AFAIK, with Xen3 physical CPUs are still statically allocated
> to virtual CPUs, but one domain can use multiple CPUs. But right now,
> NetBSD doesn't support this. Worse, you may have to disable Xen SMP
> do use a NetBSD dom0, because of interrupt routing issues.

Being relatively new to SMP, does diabling apic prevent the use of SMP?

I have not defined 'vcpu' yet xentop is reporting that there are 2.

I'm finding all functions OK so long as I set noapic.

The problem exhibited when apic was enabled was with the onboard bge-driver
based network card (watchdog timer resetting ... blah blah).

Other than that, a mknod for the missing device and installing the XML
parser has got everything up and running.

One other question, does the DOMU_INSTALL kernel require access to the cdrom?
and if so, can it be emulated sufficiently with a built iso-image used in
place of a physical device?

Thank-you very much for your help. I can't wait to see this port mature and
I'm sure I speak for more than my self when I say your hard work is greatly
