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Re: Domain 0 kernel, DAC960 and SMP

On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 11:47:25AM +1000, Sarton O'Brien wrote:
> Is the scenario below true for Xen3?
> I understand SMP support on a per kernel basis is currently unavailable
> but does the Xen3 hypervisor shedule to all available CPUs?
> My initial perception was that the domain0 kernel is required to identify
> both CPUs but that obviously isn't the case for at least Xen2, going by the
> response to the previous post.
> Please excuse any ignorance on my part. I have only been playing with Xen for
> the past week, I can't wait to consolidate the majority of my servers into 
> one box. 
> I'm looking forward to a smaller power bill :) (and a happier wife!).

Xen dom0 doensn't need to support SMP to have Xen itself use multiple
CPUs. AFAIK, with Xen3 physical CPUs are still statically allocated
to virtual CPUs, but one domain can use multiple CPUs. But right now,
NetBSD doesn't support this. Worse, you may have to disable Xen SMP
do use a NetBSD dom0, because of interrupt routing issues.

Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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