Subject: Re: Midnight crashes
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Marcello Balduccini <>
List: port-xen
Date: 04/19/2005 11:31:40
> No, this won't work. It should have picked sys/arch/x86/include/intrdefs.h
> by itself. Are you sure your source and build directories are clean ?

Well, good news is that the computer didn't crash last night with the latest 
3.99.3. Since I didn't feel like risking a disk crash, this time I let both 
Dom0 and DomU idle, but I bet it didn't influence the result. Tonight I'll 
load DomU again, anyway.

Bad news is that I still can't get netbsd-3 to compile. To be on the safe 
side, I deleted /usr/src and checked out netbsd-3 from scratch. I didn't get 
the same errors as yesterday, but I still had an error (BTW, I am compiling 
the kernel on DomU -- I hope this is not a problem). Here is the sequence of 
commands and the error. I used the stock XENU file.

% cd /usr/
% rm -fR src
% cvs -z 9 -d checkout -r netbsd-3 src/sys
% cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/
% config XENU
% cd ../compile/XENU/
% make depend
% make
#      link  XENU/netbsd
ld -T ../../../../arch/i386/conf/kern.ldscript -Ttext c0100000 -e start -X -o 
netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} ${EXTRA_OBJ} vers.o
vfs_init.o(.text+0x22e): In function `vfsinit':
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/XENU/../../../../kern/vfs_init.c:359: undefined 
reference to `vfs_list_initial'
undefined reference to `vfs_list_initial'
undefined reference to `vfs_list_initial'
undefined reference to `vfs_list_initial'
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/XENU
