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Re: x68k build broken on arch/x68k/stand/boot_ufs

At Mon, 17 Aug 2015 16:30:46 +0000,
David Holland wrote:
>  > arch/x68k/stand/boot_ufs has its own ufs code.  We understood
>  > that it's problematic but have no better solution to replace it...
> What are the chances of making this bootloader share the libsa code?
> That seems like a better long-term solution.

New x68k/stand/xxboot uses MI libsa and it creates
xxboot_{ffsv1,ffsv2,lfsv1,lfsv2} binary separately.
On the other hand, old x68k/stand/boot_ufs could read
UFS{v1,v2} and LFS{v1,v2} alone.

It should switch to xxboot from code maintainability
point but would be cautious that some feature is lost...
Tetsuya Isaki <isaki%pastel-flower.jp@localhost / isaki%NetBSD.org@localhost>

> (not on port-x86k so please keep me in Cc:)
> -- 
> David A. Holland
> dholland%netbsd.org@localhost

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