Subject: Strangeness on 3/80 Serial.
To: None <>
From: J.Scott Kasten <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/29/2002 11:51:26
Not sure if anyone has encountered this.  I recently installed 1.6 
release on a 3/80 (16MB ram, bwtwo, type-4 kbd).

First off, the rear serial ports are enumerated by the kernel wrong.  
I.E /dev/ttya acutually activates the port labeled 'B' on the case.  No 
biggie there, dev nodes can be renamed after all....

The real issue though is that the line dicipline options cannot all be 
modified.  The baud rate sets correctly, but I cannot turn off character 
echo.  I've tried stty, tip, and pppd.  The stty utility will show echo 
as being off when tip or pppd runs, but it's still active, and pppd 
refuses to connect due to a "serial loopback" condition.  No amount of 
effort with the usual utilities has been able to correct this.

Is this a known problem that someone has already fixed?
Am I overlooking something really simple and stupid here?
Any suggestions?

If no-one knows anything then I'll have to dig deeper and find out what 
is actually happening between the application calling the terminal 
functions of the c-library and the subsequent syscalls affecting that 
stream.  It's strange that baud works and the filter functions don't.

