Subject: NetBSD 1.2B
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/27/1996 06:22:05
I have supped approximately three times since NetBSD 1.2 was released.

Current system state:

Everything builds except fsdb and bootxx.

fsbd - has problems with utilities.c and futils.c - multiple declarations.

bootxx - looking for vprintf.

At the moment my 3/60 is 1.2B for all of userland.  I can boot with a
stock 1.2 kernel, but I can't do a clean shutdown with either a stock
1.2 kernel or a 1.2B kernel.  I can't do a clean boot with the 1.2B
kernel and it quits with the error: can't mount root.

Perhaps there is a mount/umount problem?
Rick Kelly