Subject: Re: compileing X11R6
To: None <mouse@Holo.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Scott Ellis <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/09/1996 18:12:08
In "Re:  compileing X11R6", der Mouse <mouse@Holo.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
> > Subject: compileing X11R6
> > Could someone please give me some hints as to making the X servers
> > Xsun and XsunMono on NetBSD -current for a sun3?
> Here's an editing of the transcript file from my build of X11R6.1p1.  I
> had numerous problems; I hope this saves someone else some effort.
> (And thank you, gwr; the first iteration of this was heavily based on
> your stuff.  Would have been a lot more work without that.)

Would one of you two want to be so kind as to put a snapshot of your
compiles on, so the rest of us can enjoy them without the
hassle of building it ourselves? ;-)

  //  Scott Ellis   //   //   //
// WARNING: This signature warps  time and space in its vicinity    //